Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jude's First Trip to Miller's Orchard

My chiropractor's office ended up not opening on Monday because the doctor's son was sick and she needed to be at home with him. At around noon I got the phone call letting me know that I didn't have to come in. It was nice to have the day off.

Since neither Josh nor I had anything pressing to get to (okay, Josh did, but he needed a break, and how often do you get an unplanned day off of work???), we decided to take Jude to Miller's Orchard to see the animals, go on a hayride, and pick out a pumpkin. We had a really great time. The weather was beautiful and it wasn't crowded at all. Jude got to see a llama, horse, chickens, pigs, goats, sheep, and bunnies!

We picked out a small pumpking for Jude (he was asleep by the time we got to the pumpkin patch). Hopefully we'll have time to carve it. If not, we'll at least date it with a Sharpie marker and take a picture of it. (=

Josh took a bunch of pictures while we were at the farm, but he hasn't uploaded them to Flickr yet. I'll add a few to this post when he does.


Kay McClintock, M.S. said...

What a lovely family day you had. Having a baby really makes it complete, doesn't it? Have you decided on a Halloween costume? My little grandson at 10 months (can't believe he is almost a year) will be a spider. He loves playing with the baby spider that's on the tummy of the costume.

Anonymous said...

Day off, woo-hoo! Buncha loafs. ;)

Let's see those pitchers!!