Well, that's the little bugger!
On January 2nd, Josh and I went to my 'big' ultrasound appointment at 9am. After waiting for quite some time, we were finally able to get in with the ultrasound tech. Everything is looking good in regard to the pregnancy, and we were able to find out that we're having a boy! His 'official' due date is May 15, 2007... only 17 more weeks to go (*gulp*)!
Josh is finally able to feel Jude kick. Actually, the night before our ultrasound was the first time we were able to feel Jude on the outside of my belly (I had been feeling him internally for a few weeks by that point). He's quite the squirmer... especially around lunch time.
So, newest news is that Josh and I are meeting with a home birth midwife on Friday afternoon. As it stands, she is committed to another woman who is due three days after me, so unless that woman goes before I do (which we won't know until it happens), we won't be able to use that midwife. She has offered to let me labor and give birth at her house (which is half way between my house and the other pregnant woman's... she would be invited to labor there as well) or to come and sit with me at my home until I'm 8 or 9cm and then escort me to the hospital to advocate for me. If that happens and she gets a call that the other woman is in labor, she'll simply have to leave me in the hands of the OB (ick).
I also just got the contact information for a different home birth midwife who is located in New Jersey. Apparently she travels. I'm going to give her a call by the end of this week to see if she would be available to come and assist at my birth.
So, that's about it. Hopefully Josh will update with how cool it is to finally be able to feel his little boy kick!
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